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One of the communication challenges of starting a new game is the tendency of players to use acronyms in chat which may be unfamiliar to you.
Below is a list of the common Vanguard Acronyms.
Acronym, Quest / Name, Continent, Levels
0 - 9[]
- 3R - Three Rivers Village, Thestra (10-29)
- AH - The Telon Exchange aka The Broker and Auction House
- APW - Ancient Port Warehouse / Innovus, Thestra (50)
- BC - Bordinar's Cleft, Thestra (7-10)
- BoD - Bridge of Destiny, Qalia (50+)
- CB - Ca'ial Brael, Kojan (1-7)
- CoB - City of Brass (50+)
- CIS - Coterie Infineum Sanctuary, Qalia (19-32)
- CTD - Crash to Desktop
- DT - Dargun's Tomb, Thestra (30-39)
- HL - Hunter's League / Skrillien Point, Qalia, (17-24)
- HotP - Halls of the Pantheon / Strand of the Ancients, Qalia (50+?)
- HZ - Hathor Zhi, Qalia, (6-20)
- IoG - Island of Garuzamut (50+)
- KDQ - Kamellott Daily Quest / Shores of Darkness, Thestra, (53-58)
- KE - Khegor's End, Thestra (13-18)
- KP - Konarthi Point, (20?)
- LC - Lost Canyon, Thestra (41-45)
- LFG - Looking for Group
- LFM - Looking for more / Looking for # more.
- LN - Leth Nurae, Thestra (1-12)
- MC - Misthaven Crossing, Thestra (15-20)
- MH - Magi Hold, Kojan (11-14 / 50+)
- NN - Nusibe Necropolis, Qalia (45-53)
- NT - New Targonor, Thestra (30)
- OT - Old Targonor, Thestra (46-53)
- PoA - Plains of Anguish, Thestra (38-42)
- PotA -Pantheon of the Ancients / Strand of the Ancients, Qalia (50+?)
- PST - Please Send Tell
- PZ - Pankor Zhi, Qalia (6-38)
- RK - Renton Keep, Thestra (15-22)
- RoTK - Ruins of Trengal Keep, Thestra (18-28)
- SP - Skrillien Point, Qalia, (17-24)
- SoD - Shores of Darkness, Thestra, (53-58)
- SS - Shimmering Shallows, Qalia (50+)
- SW - Southwatch, Thestra (27-36)
- TC - Troll Coast, Thestra (55-57)
- TG - Tawar Galan, Kojan (5-7)
- Thel - Thelassen, Thestra, (28-38)
- TJ - Tar Janashir, Qalia (34-38)
- TK - Ruins of Trengal Keep, Thestra (18-28)
- ToD - The Temple of Dailuk, Qalia (9-20)
- ToLT - The Tomb of Lord Tsang, Kojan (11-23)
- ToT - Temple of Tehatamani, Qalia (45-50)
- UR - Ultra Rare (Crafting material)
- URT - United Races of Thestra
- VE / VEx - Veskal's Exchange, Thestra (9-16)
- VT - Vol Tuniel, Thestra (28-40)
- WTB - Wants to buy
- WTH - Wants to hire
- WTS - Wants to sell