Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Quest crafting Artisan's Saga: The Failure of the Order
Sphere Crafting
Journal Level 15
Journal Size Solo
Level Offered 15
Prerequisites none
Starting Location -28946, 28045, 36546 in New Targonor (-27, 24)
Starting Chunk New Targonor
Ending Chunk New Targonor
Offered By Ashlyn Blackshield
Quest Series Artisan's Saga Crafting Timeline
Previous Artisan's Saga: No More Mythos
Concurrent with: none
Next Artisan's Saga: Cartheon Hate
XP Reward 19650 (scales with your level)
Coin Reward Silver 5 Copper 00
Free to Play yes
Repeatable no
Faction Needed
Presence Needed


  • Arrive at the Designated Location
  • Join the Banishers in Finishing Jhan


  • Jhan's Location
  • Banisher's Sanctuary


  • Bag of Wonders(This obsure magical item provides different, magically created simple but useful items. After an item is claimed, the magic must recharge and generated a new one.)




3 Thieves Row

Head to the crafting area. Exit the crafting area north exit to Thieves Row. Once there, take the alley leading north. When you hit the T junction at the wall turn left and exit through the right passage way to the grassy area. Head north (straight ahead). When you get there a great battle ensues and The Banishers are victorious. Quickly talk to Ashlyn to get your reward. The Banishers quickly vanish.

Return to The Banisher's Sanctuary to get the next quest.
