Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Vanguard Saga of Heroes
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Class Summary[]

Bard official
Basic Information

Free to Play Status:


Recommended Attributes:

Dex, Str, Con

Recommended Wield Style:

Dual Weapons

Armor Type:


Secondary Diplomacy Expression:


Recommended Playstyle


Photo Gallery

Weapons and Armor

Wield Types

  • 1H Wielding
  • Ranged Wielding
  • Dual Wield

Weapon Types

  • 1H Piercing
  • Archery
  • Hand to Hand
  • 1H Slashing
  • Thrown

Weapon Specialization

  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Axe
  • Thrown Axes
  • Longsword
  • Thrown Daggers
  • Dagger and Knife
  • Short Sword
Perception and Concealment


  • Awareness
  • Combat Awareness
  • Detection


  • Tactic Recognition
  • Parry
  • Dodge
  • Safe Fall
  • Fishing

Bards are very unique from the other classes of Vanguard. Instead of stances they have dances (see below) and have the ablitity to create and name their own songs (see below).

Known Spells and Abilities[]

Level 1 - 10[]

Level Name Rank Effect
1 Icon536 Sever the Tie I A rapid slashing attack that deals melee damage plus 6.
1 Icon562 Emboldening Embellishment Increases the dexterity and vitality of your group by 10-18 depending on level.
2 Icon563 Mellarien's Harmony of War Increases the damage of your gorup by 12-20, depending on your level.
2 Icon560 Striking the Mountain I A heavy overhand attack that deals 200% weapon damage plus 15 to 19.
2 Icon617 Recall This ability returns you to your bind location.
4 Icon683 Cirel's Rhythm of Renewal Heals your group for 3 health and energy every second.
4 Icon538 Razor Parts Silk I A strong rending strike that reduces mitigation by 15% and inflicts 154 to 166 damage over 24 seconds.
4 Icon20753 Eaon's Blasting Bellow You bellow, blasting your opponent for xx to xx arcane damage.
6 Icon567 Hazoc's Hasty Lyric Increases the melee attack speed for your group by 12%
6 Icon674 Tynen's Melody of Acceleration Increases the movement speed of you and your group by 25%.
6 Icon544 Weirlaun's Minor Interlude Reduces song cost by 2.
6 Icon536 Sever the Tie II A rapid slashing attack that deals melee damage plus 18.
6 Icon429 Humming Blade I Increases your melee damage by 6. Reduces total energy by 20% while active.
6 Icon628 Thread the Needle I A fast piercing attack that deals 50% of weapon damage and lowers your opponent's damage by xx for 30 sec.
8 Icon419 Echoing Cut I Counterattack after a successful parry, dealing 150% weapon damage plus 21 to 27. Only usable after you parry.
8 Icon533 Ariezel's Minor Resonation Attacks against you resonate sharply, dealing 15 damage to your attackers. This component can only be used once in a song.
9 Icon674 Tynen's Strain of the Swift Increases the movement speed of your group by 10%
9 Icon683 Cirel's Soothing Substitution Heals you and your group by 2 every second.
8 Icon518 Tynen's Speedy Substitution Increases the movement speed of your group by 7%
10 Icon560 Hinder I Intercepts an enemy who is attacking your defensive target. Deals 150% weapon damage plus 34 to 38 and adds 246 hate.
10 Icon567 Hewing the Mountain I A powerful over hand attack that deals 300% weapon damage plus 53 to 59 and stuns for 3 sec.
10 Icon560 Striking the Mountain I A heavy overhand attack that deals 200% weapon damage plus 41 to 47.
10 Icon539 Hummingbird Darts In I A penetrating thrust that reduces arcane resistance by 28 and deals 445 to 471 damage over 36 sec.
10 Icon417 Reduced XP This buff reduces the XP gained by 100%

Level 11 - 18[]

Level Name Rank Effect
12 Icon563 Mellarien's Requiem of War Increases damagae of your group by 5%
12 Icon418 Fence Raises your chance to parry incoming attacks by 100% for 60 seconds or until you parry. This turns off your auto-attack.
12 Icon548 Weirlaun's Long Rest Reduces song cost by 5.
12 Icon567 Calming Lullaby Cals your opponent, reducing their hatred of you by 30%
12 Icon538 Razor Parts Silk II A stroong rending strike that reduces mitigation by 15% and inflicts 332 to 352 damage over 24 seconds.
12 Icon429 Humming Blade II Increases your melee dmage by 12. Reduces total energy by 20% while active.
13 Icon531 Ariezel's Assonance of Pain Deals 12 to 43 damage to your offensive target, depending on your level, every 4 sec.
14 Icon518 Briel's Lyric of Descent Allows your group to fall slowly and safely from any height.
14 Icon419 Echoing Cut II Counterattack afater a successful parry, dealing 150% weapon damage plus 47 to 53.
14 Icon20749 Swirl of the Tempest I In a quick flash you inflict 75% weapon damage plus 27 to 31 to all opponents in front of you.
14 Icon724 Singing Blade Your strikes become more precise as your weapons begin to sing, increasing critical change by 100% for 3 sec.
15 Icon568 Aria of Calm Thoughts Increases spell accuracy and damage by 3% and spell critical chance by 2%. This component can only be used once in a song.
16 Icon449 Suann's Entrancing Trill Mesmerizes your opponent, preventing any actions and movement by 18 seconds or 1 hit. Mesmerized targets being to regenerate after 4 sec. Only one target can be mesmerized at once.
16 Icon667 Split the Clouds In a whirl of blades, you inflict melee damage plus 119 to all opponents within 8m.
16 Icon536 Sever the Tie III A rapid slashing attack that deals melee damage plus 40.
16 Icon20753 Eaon's Blasting Bellow II You bellow, blasting your oponnent for 196 to 209 arcane damage.
17 Icon565 Irion's Psalm of Shields Causes a curtain of sound to protect your group that increases armor class by 25 and absorbs 25 damage each pulse.
17 Icon613 Illestine's Harmony of Warmth Increases the cold resistance of your group by 8 and burns any attackkers for 6 damage.
18 Icon496 Asilam's Lament of the Sea Enables your group to breathe under water.
18 Icon567 Hazoc's Hymn of Haste Increases the attack speed of you and your group by 12%
18 Icon549 Weirluan's Whole Rest Reduces song cost by 7.
18 Icon567 Hewing the Mountain II A powerful over hand attack that deals 300% weapon damage plus 100 to 108 and stuns for 3 sec.
18 Icon429 Humming Blade III Increases your melee damage by 18. Reduces total energy by 18% while active.
18 Icon560 Hinder II Intercepts an enemy who is attacking your defensive target. Deals 150% weapon damage plus 55 to 61 and adds 396 hate.
18 Icon449 Energizing Embellishment Restores 1 energy to your group every second.
18 Icon20754 Weirlaun's Expiating Echo I You shout after a successful parry, dealing 242 to 257 damage and restoring 50 of your endurance.
18 Icon539 Hummingbird Darts In II A penetrating thrust that reduces arcane resistance by 44 and deals 732 to 772 damage over 36 sec.
19 Icon615 Illestine's Harmony of the Snow Increases the fire ristance of your group by 8 and chills any attackers for 6 damage.
19 Icon536 Gamael's Blades of Frost Adds a 10% chance for your group to deal 109 to 117 cold damage with melee and ranged attacks.


Bards have three stances: Dance of Blades, Water Dance and Careen of the Cunning. Their effects depend on your level.

  • Dance of Blades: This stance gives you extra damage.
    • Level 0: +4% Damage
    • Level 5: +6% Damage
    • Level 10: +8% Damage
    • Level 18: +10% Damage
    • Level 28: +14% Damage
    • Level 36: +20% Damage
  • Water Dance: This stance gives you a greater parry chance.
    • Level 0: +5% Parry
    • Level 10: +6% Parry
    • Level 15: +7% Parry
    • Level 20: +8% Parry
    • Level 30: +9% Parry
    • Level 40: +10% Parry
  • Careen of the Cunning: This stance gives you a greater accuracy and critical hit chance.
    • Level 0: +2% Accuracy and +1% Critical Hit Chance
    • Level 12: +3% Accuracy and +1% Critical Hit Chance
    • Level 22: +4% Accuracy and +2% Critical Hit Chance
    • Level 32: +5% Accuracy and +2% Critical Hit Chance
    • Level 42: +6% Accuracy and +3% Critical Hit Chance
    • Level 50: +12% Accuracy and +6% Critical Hit Chance

Note: You do not gain these stances at level 0, you gain them between level 1-10.


The bard can compose their own descriptive songs from components such as melody, embellishments and lyrics in order to enhance, protect or restore their party. For more information see the Song Composition Guide.

Learned Abilities[]

Fox Overtakes the Hare I[]

Fox Overtakes the Hare I
10 Endurance
Killing BlowOffensive Target
Enables you to deal a killing blow, inflicting 400% weapon damage plus 206 - 220 and rooting the target in place for 6 seconds

Location: Vol Tuniel, Coterie Infenium Sanctuary

Mobs that provide update: Rotblood Stalkers and Enforcers, Infinium Elders, Patriarchs and Scholars

Fox Overtakes the Hare II[]

Fox Overtakes the Hare II
10 Endurance
Killing BlowOffensive Target
Enables you to deal a killing blow, inflicting 400% weapon damage plus 279 - 297 and rooting the target in place for 6 seconds

Location: Jathred's Twist

Mobs that provide update: Mercenary Footpads

Fox over takes the Hare III[]

Fox Overtakes the Hare III
7 Endurance
Killing BlowOffensive Target
400% Weapon damage, plus 318-338 and rooting for 6 seconds

Location: Rahz Inkur

Mobs that provide update: Zull Efreeti Trader and Zull Efreeti Merchant

Use to be having aggro at 50% health you would get the update, since changed I believe to just being present ( not even in combat )no stuns or mez can be used on the mob during this time. As of GU4 the crit rate for the ability has been fixed to the correct value ( use to crit less than FotH II )

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