Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Vanguard Saga of Heroes


Bartenders are NPCs found in cities throughout Telon. Diplomats can engage bartenders in parleys to obtain a number of unusual items such as Riftway Shard, food and drink, cards, faction and other more rare items. You can begin getting parley options from Bartenders at level 2, but the lowest level Parley will still be 5.

Which parley option you choose will affect the selection of Bartender Rewards that you will receive.

When you hail a bartender, you will have several parley options available to you depending on your level:

  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 25 Domestic Interview, Level 5 (Tier 1 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 10 (Tier 1 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 15 (Tier 2 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 20 (Tier 2 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 25 (Tier 3 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 30 (Tier 3 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 35 (Tier 4 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 40 (Tier 4 loot)
  • "Ho There, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 45 (Tier 5 loot)
  • "Riftway?" - 25 Domestic Gossip, Level 2 to 45 (based on the maximum level you can parley)
  • "You Know Me, Tender!" - 50 Domestic Interview, Level 50 (Tier 5 loot)

"Ho There, Tender!"

"Riftway?"parley text Only rewards faction, experience and Riftway Mementos.


Name Location
Priya Sandourn Lomshir
Jalal Sumech Khal, Tradewind Tavern
Gigramia Andimsnak Khal, Tradewind Tavern
Reza Mualimi Khal, Tradewind Tavern
Brenlon Sandourn Dark Horse Downs, The Dark Horse Tavern
One Eyed Amin Ahgram, Snake Pit Tavern
Tender Leily Ahgram, The Aukfruit's Eye Tavern
Tender Hansaniva Ahgram, Blood Sun Inn


Name Location
Gilndor Hearthborn Tawar Galan, Hearthborn Tavern
Farila Hearthborn Tawar Galan, above Martok Dock
Linora Whispersleep Ca'ial Brael, Whispersleep Inn
Innkeep Faerwynd Whispersleep Ca'ial Brael, Whispersleep Inn
Unagi Tanvu, Inn on south side of town
Tamago Tanvu, Inn on south side of town
Fair Brelga Martok, Brelga's Pork & Ale
Fair Jevive Martok, Brelga's Pork & Ale


Name Location
Achryn Cerurn Veskal's Exchange, The Crooked Alder Tavern
Kiesha Farshadow New Targonor, Cafe Black Orchid Forum, House Hilthorn
Seamus McWright New Targonor, The Griffon's Trough Tavern, House Caberton
Aziate Semjala New Targonor, Foreign Goods Market
Evelyn Hain New Targonor, The Premiere Tavern, The High Ward
Tender Gurt New Targonor, The Smarmy Eel on Wamtim Docks
Barmaid Mel New Targonor, The Smarmy Eel on Wamtim Docks
Tender Bailey New Targonor, The Hammer and Sword, House Heartsworn
Tender Rees New Targonor, Wanders House Tanvager Quarter (pathing is erratic, can disappear)
Bartender Ogrash Halgarad, The Stone Mug Tavern
Rithain Ciledil Leth Nurae, Inn at the bottom of the SE steps
Yargor Darkbrew Bordinar's Cleft, Darkbrew's Tavern
Kreena Darkbrew Bordinar's Cleft, Darkbrew's Tavern
Amacoe Fernpillow Rindol Field, Baron's Tooth Tavern (taller races may need to crouch to enter as this is a halfling house)
Lila Aspenseed Rindol Field, Baron's Tooth Tavern (taller races may need to crouch to enter as this is a halfling house)