This is a listing of named/boss mobs found within Telon.
LEVELS 0-19[]
- RHAATHUL THE CORRUPTOR (3-dot, 8 mob in Ksaravi Hollow in Khal in Qalia)
- SULUDYN (3-dot, 10 mob in Serpent of Sihari] in Lomshir in Qalia
- MASTER UIZA-DO KAHN (3-dot, 10 mob in Ra'Jin Stronghold in Kojan)
- FOREMAN SNARLBACK (4-dot, 11 mob in Orcbane Mines in Vault of Heroes in Thestra)
- XAOXIN (4-dot, 11 mob in Riftseeker's Torrent in Thestra)
- XATHOK (4-dot, 12 mob in Riftseeker's Torrent in Thestra)
- KAON BROODMOTHER (3-dot 11-13 mob in Arcanium in Leth Nurae in Thestra)
- LALEN FRAE (2-dot, 15 mob in Veskal's Exchange. Pops after completion of "The Cure" quest series)
- CLAN CHIEF BARGORG (3-dot, 19 mob in Stonecrusher's Enclave in Three Rivers in Thestra )
- KING JURDIN THUNDERAXE (5-dot, 19 mob in Khegor's End in Thestra )
- Klorar (lvl 2 - 2 dot in the Xao Marshlands)
- Tarok (lvl 3 - 2dot in Xao Marshlands, Isle of Dawn )
- Asak (lvl 4 - 2dot in Gai's Nousa, Isle of Dawn )
- Rolin the Bonemiller (lvl 5 - 2 dot in the Rindol Storehouse Mill, Tursh Village)
- Harozda (lvl 5 - 2 dot in the Earth Den, Isle of Dawn)
- Rumblein (lvl 5 - 2 dot in the Earth Den, Isle of Dawn)
- Rotan (lvl 7 - 2 dot in the Shining Waves Village, Isle of Dawn)
- Hitoki (lvl 7 - 2 dot in the Hobgoblin Encampment, Isle of Dawn)
- Glitteracticacookie (lvl 6 - 2dot in Xao Marshlands, Isle of Dawn)
- Shotaru of Corruption (lvl 8 - 2 dot in near the Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn
- Shotaru of Despair (lvl 8 - 2 dot in near the Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn
- Shotaru of Dishonor (lvl 8 - 2 dot in near the Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn
- Shotaru of Loss (lvl 8 - 2 dot in near the Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn
- Shotaru of Pride (lvl 8 - 2 dot in near the Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn
- Torenna Sandser (lvl 8 - 2 dot in Shimmerleaf Forest, Tursh Village)
- Iksau (lvl 8 - 2 dot in Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn)
- Caiberg (lvl 8 - 2 dot in Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn)
- Jabbaner (lvl 8 - 2 dot in the Maplelynn Wood, Tursh Village)
- Isa Lao (lvl 10 - 3 dot in Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn)
- Kresnak (lvl 10 - 2 dot in Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn)
- The Great Xel'Zaxris (lvl 10 - 3 dot in Riftseeker`s Torrent, Qur'xa plane)
- IKU DAI (lvl 10 - 3 dot in Temple of the Ancestors, Isle of Dawn)
- Jessica the Lonely (lvl 10, 2 dot in Bear Inhabited Mine in Vault of Heroes
- One Stone Eye (lvl 13, 2 dot in Basilisk Valleys in Vault of Heroes
- Krawlex (lvl 13, 2 dot in Kaon Grove in Vault of Heroes
- Ruquasa (lvl 13, 3 dot at the Ruquasa's Pride in Qa Riverbank Chunk.
- Matali (lvl 15, 3 dot in Lion Den in Lomshir)
- Greenscale (lvl 16, 3 dot in Renton Keep)
- High Augur Gi'Vinbro (lvl 13, 3 dot in The Tomb of Lord Tsang Chunk.
- SQUINKMAR THE DESTROYER (lvl 13, 3 dot in The Tomb of Lord Tsang Chunk.
- Mung The Crazed (lvl 15, 3 dot in The Tomb of Lord Tsang)
LEVELS 20-29[]
- ELBARION (5-dot, 21 mob in Fallen Lyceum sky part in Kaon's Rush in Thestra)
- AMONIR (5-dot, 21 mob in Fallen Lyceum sky part in Kaon's Rush in Thestra)
- MORWAEN (4-dot, 21 mob in Fallen Lyceum sky part in Kaon's Rush in Thestra)
- Kalendra the Dark Witch (5-dot, 22 mob in Kalendra's Coven in Skrilien Point in Qalia)
- OVERKING BARRAK (5-dot, 23 mob in Rekk hobgoblin valley in Renton Keep in Thestra)
- GRAND TYRANT MILAS (5-dot, 24 mob in Ksaravi Gulch in Qalia)
- SLUDGE LORD GORZUS (5-dot, 24 mob in Ksaravi Gulch in Qalia)
- RUL'ALOUK THE SOULSCORCHER (5-dot, 24 mob in Imanjal Sacellum in Skrilien Point in Qalia)
- Mistress Anaya (4-dot, 24 mob in Hillsbury Manor in Misthaven Crossing in Thestra. Last part of questline there)
- Mistress Bella (4-dot, 24 mob in Hillsbury Manor in Misthaven Crossing in Thestra. Last part of questline there)
- Mistress Raylia (4-dot, 24 mob in Hillsbury Manor in Misthaven Crossing in Thestra. Last part of questline there)
- The Wilter (3-dot, 26 mob in Hathor Zhi in Qalia.)
Kill Kronus in CIS and 3 adds pop. Each one is 2-dot, 28-29 mob and can drop coins
- Ageless One (x-dot, xx mob in CIS in Qalia) (need better information)
- QUEEN AYXLXYX (5-dot, 26 mob in Zihurr Hive in Renton Keep)
- VELETHEZOK (5-dot, 25/26 mob in Skrawlra Rock in Qalia. Needs to be summoned by collecting 3 different color masks)
- Palooa Nuckerbek (3-dot, lvl 21 mob in Silverlake - Thestra)
LEVELS 30-39[]
- Nishek (6-dot(?), 31 or 32 mob in Trengal Keep in Thestra. Summoned, need whip from TK6)
- Baelthorn (5-dot, 36 mob in Spires Keep in Thestra)
- THURRE (5-dot, 34 mob in Zossyr Hakrel in Qalia)
- ZYFUUR (5-dot, 35 mob in Cragwind Ridge in Qalia)
- GORLASH TOXIL (5-dot, 37 mob in Dargun's Tomb in Thestra)
- BAHAR'NIHAB THE REAPER (6-dot, 37 mob in Fields of Despair in Thestra)
- SOLATHUS (6-dot, 38 mob in Ruins of Vol Tuniel on Thestra)
- YALSYL VONALYS (6-dot, 38 mob in Thelaseen in Thestra)
- HIGHLORD SHO'DAR (5-dot, 38 mob in Thelaseen in Thestra)
- MYRION THE PURE (5-dot, 38 mob in Spires Keep in Thestra)
- Fireclaw ( 4-Dot, 35 mob in Spires Keep) loc. 58431 / -76141
- Squally ( 3-Dot , 33 mob in Craigwind Ridge) Loc. -9078 / -50469
- Terrafax ( 3-Dot , 32 mob in Kaons_Rush) Loc. 26976 / -26627)
- Celestial Captain (4Dot -34er mob in Forest`s Heart - left to Kaon's Rush)
- Zershyk ( 2-Dot , 34 mob in Craigwind Ridge)
- Scaleback ( 2-Dot , 35 mob in Craigwind Ridge)
- KRONUS INFINEUM (6-dot, 3x mob in Coterie Infineum Sanctuary)
LEVELS 40-49[]
- Araxxishar (4-dot, 45 mob in Mind's Crown in Qalia)
- Broggus the Malignant (4-dot, 45 Mob in Ruin Falls, Thestra)
- DRILLLZARAX (6-dot, 41 mob in Islands of Madness in Qalia. Mob pops in tower)
- Exxilar (4-dot, 45 mob in Mind's Crown in Qalia)
- Father Xennu (6-dot, 45 mob in Mind's Crown in Qalia)
- Guulreg the Purifier (3-dot, 46 mob in Ichtaktha Swamps)
- HIGH COMMANDER RAKH'YOR (6-dot, 40(?) in Greystone in Thestra) (exact level needed)
- HIGH TORMENTOR ZERAXEZ (6-dot, 42 mob in Vi'rak lair in Thestra(?))
- HRUK (6-dot, 40 mob in Karrus Hakrel[ in Qalia)
- Mum the Mallow Lover (6-dot, 40 mob in River Palace (Seawatch Coast Rift) Seasonal (October / Halloween)
- Naxxillar (4-dot, 45 mob in Mind's Crown in Qalia)
- OBSIDERRU (6-dot 40ish summoned mob in Karrus Hakrel in Qalia. Needs 30 aqual orbs for summon) (exact level needed)
- Overwarden Ehu Dal (6-dot, 44 mob in Sunset Pointe in Qalia)
- TAJIIHOSK (6-dot, 41 mob in Karrus Hakrel in Qalia)
- Warlord Khurang (6-dot, 44 mob in Sunset Pointe in Qalia
- XAALESEESH THE INFERNO (6-dot, 42 mob in Vi'rak lair in Thestra(?))
LEVELS 50+[]
- Majordomo in RI in Qalia (4-dot, 53 in RI, Qalia)
- Warlord Seskarlan (4-dot, 53 in RI, Qalia)
- ALUUL (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
- DJUUL (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
- SHALUU (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
- KHORR (6-dot, 53 mob in RI in Qalia)
- Hegnerian in swamps in Thestra (dot + other info needed)
- King Mnalus (6-dot, 50 mob in swamps in Thestra)
- LORD FALADRIAN (6-dot, 50 or 53 mob in Flordiel, Thestra)
- QUEEN VIXXAEVA (6-dot, 53 mob in Ichtakhta, Thestra)
- PHAROAH SHEKHAN NKOSA (5-dot, 51 mob in Nusibe Necropolis in Qalia)
- Godking (x-dot, xx mob in Nusibe Necropolis in Qalia) (dot + other info needed)
- Nepherit (6-dot, 50 mob in TOT temple before flip in Qalia) ........... 50=6 dot last of the flipped names in TOT in Qalia (name needed)
- RAFFEN (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
- AKANDE (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
- SHORUL (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
- CENNFAR (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
- NARANDA (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
- TEKAR (6-dot, 53 mob in Old Targonor in Thestra)
- CHATH + his pet (6-dot, 53 mob in Heroes Plain in Thestra)
- SHADOW (6-dot, 53 mob in Isle of Shadows in Thestra)
- SYD (6-dot, 53 mob in SOuthern Stonepie Ridge in Thestra)
- STRIFE (6-dot, 53 mob in Ridge of Memories in Thestra)
- TISHRA (6-dot, 53 mob in Gorgalok in Thestra)
- Kronax (x-dot, xx mob in Umyebum Crypt in ToT in Qalia) (dot + info needed)
- TUHOMENTEP (4-dot, 50 mob in Obudufi - Guards the Temple Orb.)
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