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Original title: Creating macros for non-Maddy Craft UIs
The Maddy Craft UI is by far the best addition to crafting in Vanguard. But if you don’t use Maddy Craft, there are some macros that can decrease the time it takes to grind out crafted items. As a blacksmith, it decreases the time it takes me to make ingots and sheets. The macros I created for making mithril ingots took the time to craft ingots from over 1 minute to 20 – 30 seconds, depending on complications.
Even though some of the command words in these macros are “refine”, they can be used for both refining and finishing. For list of available crafting commands to use in macros, type /listcommands crafting in your chat window.
Note: I recommend only creating macros for recipes you can easily craft. This way you don’t have to worry about constantly managing your action points. Also, these macros do not remove complications, so you will still need to remove complications manually.
I found that when creating the macros for mithril ingots, it was easiest for me to stand at a crafting station and go through the recipe as I did it.
First you need enough space on an open hotbar to create the macros. The higher level the recipe, the more steps in the recipe, and the more macros you will need to create. For mithril ingots I had to create 9 separate macros. There may be an easier way to condense these macros, but I have not yet investigated this further. For most UIs your main hotbar, the one that uses the number keys across the top of your keyboard, has more than one hotbar. Normally they can be accessed by holding down the Shift key and pressing a number key.
For main hotbar 3 you would press and hold Shift and press the number 3. To return to the main hotbar press and hold Shift and press the number 1. Different UIs may have up and down arrows at the end or ends of the hotbar that allow you to move to alternates.
Note: The most common reason for failure in the macros I created was due to a typing error. Make sure you carefully type the commands in each macro, and if a macro fails to work, double check what you typed in.
First Macro[]
The first macro is for selecting the recipe. I assigned it to the hotbar button that is tied to number key 1. Right-click on the open button, give the macro a name, change the icon if you desire, and then type /refinesetrecipe “Name of Recipe”.
For mithril ingots, I typed /refinesetrecipe “Mithril Ingot”
Note: Make sure you type in the name of the recipe exactly as it appears in your recipe book inside the quotes.
Second Macro[]
The second macro will place the items on your table that are needed other than the items that are required for the recipe, i.e., water, bandages, etc.
Sticking with my example of mithril ingots, the required items that will be auto added to the table are fuel and flux, but I add water, bandages, oil and adhesive to help remove complications. Right-click on button tied to number 2 on your hotbar, give the macro a name, change the icon if you desire, and then type /refineadditem “Item Name”, hit Enter, and add as many additional lines as you need for any other items you wish to add to the table.
Example: For blacksmithing refining and finishing I add these four items to my table every time I start crafting. I use this macro all the time for refining and finishing.
/refineadditem “Water”
/refineadditem “Oil”
/refineadditem “Bandages” /refineadditem “Adhesive”
Third Macro[]
The third Macro is to add a utility to your desktop if you missed hitting the icon at the correct stage in the process, and you're on the default UI. Note, that you cannot use this macro once you reach the finishing stage of the combine. If you have already added the utility, this macro will not hurt you, so feel free to use it if you're nervous. For some high level combines (such as crafting spells and upgrading augments) it's absolutely critical that you do not miss the utility step or you'll end up with a different result than intended and waste much of your resources.
Fourth Macro[]
The forth macro will be the first step of the actual combine or crafting process. From here on out the number of macros you need to create will depend on how many steps there are in the recipe. For each macro you will need to know what step you are on and how many actions are possible for each individual step. For mithril ingots there are eight steps. When you click on the first step of mithril ingot, there are three possible actions to choose from, 1, 3, or 5 ingots. Right-click on button tied to number 3 on your hotbar, give the macro a name, change the icon if you desire, and then type /craftingselectstep X, Enter, and /craftingselectstep X. The letter “X” represents the number of the position of the step from left to right in the crafting dialog.
Example: For mithril ingot, the first step starts the crafting process by selecting how many ingots to create, and it is in the first position from left to right on the crafting bar. As a level 50 blacksmith when click on step 1 there are three possible actions: 1 ingot, 5 ingots, or 3 ingots. I want to create 3 ingots, and from left to right on the screen it is the third action. Therefore, my third macro would look like this: /craftingselectstep 1
/craftingselectaction 3
Fifth Macro[]
The next macro will start moving you through increasing the quality and overall progress of the item. This would be step 2, which depending on the recipe can have a varying number of possible actions. Right -click on button tied to number 4 on your hotbar, give the macro a name, change the icon if you desire, and then type /craftingselectstep X, Enter, and /craftingselectstep X. The letter “X” represents the number of the position of the step from left to right in the crafting dialog.
Example: For mithril ingot there are six possible actions. I use the sixth action, which adds a high level of quality and a moderate level of progress. /craftingselectstep 2 /craftingselectaction 6
I won’t go through the rest of the steps, but hopefully this will get you started so you can create your own macros.
Once you complete all the macros for a crafted item, approach the crafting station and click on it to open up the recipe book. Press the button on the keyboard tied to macro 1 (or click macro 1 with the mouse) and the recipe should be selected, then click the green begin button on the recipe book. Press the button on the keyboard tied to macro 2 (or click macro 2 with the mouse) and your crafting items should be added to your table, then click the green begin button on the table setup. Press the button on the keyboard tied to macro 3 (or click macro 3 with the mouse) and the item you want to craft should be selected. For the rest of the combine or crafting process all you should have to do is continue down the line of the macros you created until the entire crafting process is complete. Once the item is completed, loot it and you are finished. Hopefully this will speed up your crafting time!
Crafting Supply Purchase Macro[]
Another macro I use when creating a mass amount of ingots or sheets is one that buys crafting supplies from a crafting supply vendor.
The macro looks similar to this:
/buy 9 “fuel” (purchases 9 stacks of fuel) needed for the recipe
/buy 9 “flux” (purchases 9 stacks of flux) needed for the recipe
/buy 2 “water” (purchases 2 stacks of water) added to table for complication
/buy 2 “oil” (purchases 2 stacks of oil) added to table for complications
/buy 2 “adhesive” (purchases 2 stacks of adhesive) added to table for complications
/buy 1 “bandages” (purchases 1 stack of bandages) added to table for complications
Once the macro is created, hail the vendor and use the macro, and all the supplies are purchased in one click! Just make sure you have enough bag space available.