Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Quest adventuring Fishing Training: Acquire a Licence
Sphere Adventuring
Journal Level 1
Journal Size Solo
Level Offered 1
Starting Location Qa Riverbank, Three Rivers Village, and Tanvu
Area ?
Starting Chunk please update
Ending Chunk please update
Offered By various
Quest Series none
Concurrent with:
Next Fishing Training: Rods
XP Reward
Coin Reward Copper 9
Free to Play yes
Jewelry Reward yes
Repeatable no
Faction Needed ?
Presence Needed ?


  • Fishing License (1)

Go purchase a license from <local fishing supply vendor> so you can learn more about fishing.


Starting Dialogue[]

Additional Dialogue[]

Concluding Dialogue[]

Detailed Information[]

Talk to your trainer to obtain quest. Find the fishing supply vendor and purchase a licence. Return to the trainer to continue.

Fishing License costs Silver 10 Copper 10

Qa Riverbank

  • Nafis Karam, Fishing Trainer (Level 10, Human, Male) -39397, 16887, 290 in Qa Riverbank (-12, -9)
  • Emel Hadiyah, Fishing Supply Vendor (Level 10, Human, Female) -35707, 10303, 383 in Qa Riverbank (-12, -9)


  • Tien Hou, Fishing Trainer (Level 10, Human, Male) -970, -42471, 272 in Tanvu (-19, 6).
  • Aki Cho, Fishing Supply Vendor (Level 10, Human, Female), 1325, -404580, 369 in Tanvu (-19,6)

Some times the vendor doesn't offer the licence. If this happens, logoff and logon back in. This will fix the problem.




Known Issues[]
