New Targonor has a number of Noble Houses that you may wish to ally yourself with to obtain special benefits (including diplomatic clothing and land deeds which can earn you money).
All Noble Houses will offer quests to diplomats whether or not they are allied with that house, but the majority of these quests have minimum faction requirements. There should always be a quest available to do even if you have 0 faction with a house and you can do that one repeatedly (for a +5 faction reward) until you gain enough faction to do the others (which have +10 and +25 faction rewards). Each of these quests also has a very nice diplomacy clothing reward available the first time you complete it.
All of the quests offered by the Noble Houses of new Targonor require you to have a Diplomacy Level of 31 for the +5 quest, 33 for the +10 quest, and 35 for the +25 quest, as well as presence levels of 700 in one or more stations. (See the quest descriptions for exact details).
Becoming allied to a house[]
To become allied with a house, speak to Reeve Gromwell the Royal Scribe in the Temple of the Fathers in New Targonor. He well tell you:
"Declaring an allegiance with a noble house has many benefits. Once you are listed as belonging to a particular house, many of them will allow you to purchase items by trading in status. Be aware, though; you may only purchase items from the house you declared allegiance to and their allies."
"Remember, you may only swear allegiance to a single house at a time, and it will cost you 500 New Targonor Diplomatic Prestige to dissolve that allegiance."
He describes each of the houses as follows:
- "House Heartsworn is a well establish noble house of knights, or it was. They have had some rough times in the past, but are regaining their political clout."
- "House Shrike is a relatively new house started by Dominic Shrike, the famous mercenary captain."
- "House Vermach is an oddity. They are quite secretive and I do not know much about them, other that Duke Vermach recently died and Regnet Weaver currently runs it."
- "New Horizons Trading Group is run by five trading families who have a great deal of status in the merchant world. Outside of Thestra that is. When House Caberton split off from them they lost many of their contracts here on Thestra."
- "House Caberton on the other hand has very little business or interests outside of Thestra, but within it's borders they have contracts with every major city."
- "House Godfrey is one of the oldest duchies in the kingdom of Targonor. They can trace their lineage very far back."
- "House Thistle is one I consider a necessary evil. Form and function is all well and good, but they have made a science of bureaucracy."
- "House Remniol has been around for quite some time. Formed from the King's liaisons, they function as out first diplomats on Telon."
- "House Tanvager, or the College or Magic, has a long proud tradition within our city. However, their recent decision to take students not of noble blood has caused a schism between them and Hilthorn."
- "House Hilthorn on the other hand doesn't have the history House Tanvager has. This probably stems from the fact that they like to switch schools often."
Becoming a Baronet[]
Reeve Gromwell can also offer the Baronet title. He has this to say on the subject:
"Each noble house has a parcel of land they offer to agents they consider deserving. They, each, also offer a title for their highest ranking diplomats. If you have both that title and a piece of land, I can bestow upon you the title of baronet."
"To prove your eligibility, you must have the highest title of a house and I must see a deed from one of the houses. Then I will bestow upon you the title of Baronet."
Exchanging Faction for Coin[]
The special items that you can buy from the Bursar of each house is paid for with coin that they will give you in exchange for faction.
You should note that coins obtained from one Bursar cannot be used to buy items from another one. Yet, it is possible to exchange prestige for house coins from a different house that the one you are allied with, and get items from any house.
Bursars will exchange faction for coins at a rate of 100 House faction for 1 coin, or 200 New Targonor Diplomatic Prestige faction for 1 coin.
You can do writs and bartender parleys on Thestra to obtain NT Diplomatic prestige (as well as using Baubles obtained from bartenders or information turn-ins), and direct quests for the houses to obtain house faction.
Note: You can ally yourself with a Noble House in New Targonor at any level and trade New Targonor Diplomatic Prestige Faction for coins to buy things. On the other hand, you can only do quests with the various Noble Houses to gain faction for House Coins at level 31.
Items available for purchase[]
The Bursar for each house offers a variety of items for sale at the following prices:
1st Title (Squire) |
2nd Title (Reeve) |
3rd Title |
Diplomacy Card |
Barding (+10 Speed, 25% Protection) - must be level 25 |
Ring (+81 to two stations) |
Glove (+81 to two stations) |
Necklace (+81 to two stations) |
Earring (+81 to two stations) |
Boots (+144 to two stations) |
Pants (+144 to two stations) |
Cloak (+144 to two stations) |
Belt (+144 to two stations) |
Tunic (+356 to two stations) |
Mantle (+195 to two stations) |
Held (+162 to two stations and +1 Expression) |
Fencing Gloves (+162 to two stations and +1 Expression) |
Squire's Holdall Haversack (50 slot valise) |
Land Deed |
House Overview[]
The main differences between the items that you can purchase from each Bursar are listed below. Note that when you pledge your allegiance to one house, you are permitted to purchase items from the Bursars of its allies. House quests raise faction for the house itself and it's allies, while reducing faction for enemies. You can do the quests of your house's allies.
Caberton | Godfrey, Heartsworn | Remniol, Vermach | Overseer | Caberton Survey | Noble + Crafter | Demand | Bonnie Glen near Silverlake |
Godfrey | Caberton, Tanvager | Heartsworn (?), Hilthorn (?) | Primori | Godfrey Riposte | Noble + Soldier | Flattery | Versonne near Veskal's Exchange |
Heartsworn | Caberton, Hilthorn | Godfrey, Vermach | Knight-Errant | Heartsworn Commission | Noble + Clergy | Inspire | Oath Hill near Three Rivers |
Hilthorn | Heartsworn, Vermach | Godfrey, Tanvager | Magus | Hilthorn Gambol | Noble + Academic | Flattery | Orchelia near Veskal's Exchange |
New Horizons | Vermach | Broker | Merchant Sanction | Noble + Crafter | Reason | Granite Lake near Three Rivers | |
Remniol | Shrike, Thistle | Caberton, Tanvager | Liaison | Remniol Disclosure | Noble + Clergy | Inspire | Concordia near Veskal's Exchange |
Shrike | Remniol | Annalist | Shrike Missive Shrike Missive | Noble + Soldier | Demand | Sordhaven near Silverlake | |
Tanvager | Godfrey, Thistle | Hilthorn, Remniol | Professor | Tanvager Mandate | Noble + Academic | Reason | Delphia near Three Rivers |
Thistle | Remniol, Tanvager | Vermach | Bureaucrat | Thistle Inspection | Noble + Domestic | Reason | The Commons near Silverlake |
Vermach | Hilthorn, New Horizons | Thistle, Caberton | Vermach | Vermach | Noble + Outsider | Flattery | Berholm near Silverlake |
Visual representation of current known alliances and enemies of the New Targonor Houses:
House Caberton[]
House Caberton is based in the Teamster's Quarter at the north east corner of New Targonor, and is accessible from Thieves Row (House Vermach) and from outside of New Targonor. House Caberton uses a demand evaluation card which can be bought for 5 House coins: Caberton Survey.
Bursar[]Reggie Makray is the House Caberton Bursar, and he can be found at -62578, 14957, 36542 inside The Giffon's Trough on the north side of the gate leading outside of New Targonor. Quests[]The following quests are available to gain faction with House Caberton:
House Godfrey[]
House Godfrey is based in The High Ward in the south east corner of New Targonor. It can be reached from the Foreign Goods Market (New Targonor Trading Group) and the Citizen's Forum (House Thistle). House Godfrey uses a flatter rebut card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Godfrey Riposte Godfrey Riposte.
Bursar[]Nicolette Martin is the House Godfrey Bursar. She is located at -30128, 40486, 26448 standing outside the Godfrey's house in the north east corner of the district (which you can reach via the rear exit of The Premier Tavern). Quests[]None yet. |
House Heartsworn[]
House Heartsworn is based in Knight's Rest on the east side of New Targonor. It can only be reached from the central area of the city. House Heartsworn uses an inspire assertion card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Heartsworn Commission Heartsworn Commission.
Bursar[]Lillith Jerrin is the House Heartsworn Bursar and she can be found at -61202, 28122, 36542 inside the Heartsworn's house on the west side of the central square of the district. Quests[]The following quests are available to gain faction with House Heartsworn:
House Hilthorn[]
House Hilthorn is based in the Black Orchid Form on the south side of the central area of New Targonor. It connects to the Foreign Goods Market (New Horizons Trading Group). House Hilthorn uses a flatter rebut card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Hilthorn Gambol
Bursar[]Anna Wren is the House Hilthorn Bursar. She is located at -46064, 37634, 36542, in the Hilthorn's house on the north side of the main street (opposite the mailbox). Quests[]The following quests are available to gain faction with House Hilthorn:
House Remniol[]
House Remiol is based in The Lamplighter's District (the second district you will pass through upon entering New Targonor). House Remiol uses an inspire rebut card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Remniol Disclosure
Bursar[]Jorrid Dawson is the House Remniol Bursor, and you will find him at -37806, 26342, 36079 outside the Remniol's house in the south east corner of the district. Quests[]The following quests are available to gain faction with House Remniol:
House Shrike[]
House Shrike are based in the Adventurer's Terrace (the first district you will pass through upon entering New Targonor). House Shrike uses a demand assertion card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Shrike Missive Shrike Missive
Bursar[]Nicholas Grady is located at -38484, 11309, 35744 (inside a building against the north west wall bordering the district). Quests[]None yet. |
House Tanvager[]
House Tanvager is based in The College of Magic located in the south west of New Targonor. It can only be accessed from the central area of the city via the building in the south west corner. House Tanvager uses a reason assertion card which can be bought for 5 House coins: Tanvager Mandate
Bursar[]Eila Sareen is the House Tanvager Bursar. She can be found at -50445, 42934, 36045 in High Sorceress Alia Tanvager's house on the north side of the housing area reached via the south east exit from the main college building. Quests[]
House Thistle[]
House Thistle is based in the Citizen's Forum on the east side of New Targonor. It can be reached from the central area of New Targonor, the Foreign Goods Market (New Horizons Trading Company), and The High Ward (House Godrey), as well as from outside New Targonor. House Thistle uses a reason evaluation card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Thistle Inspection
Bursar[]Jam Witemin is the House Thistle Bursar. He is located at -35783, 32797, 36900 on the 3rd floor balcony at the front of the Thistle's house on the west side of the district. Quests[]None yet. |
House Vermach[]
House Vermach is based in the Thieves Row on the north side of New Targonor. It is accessible from the Lamplighter's District (House Remniol), the central area, and from the Teamster's Quarter (House Caberton). House Vermach uses a flatter evaluation card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Vermach Appraisal
Bursar[]Tori Vermach is the House Vermach Bursar. You will find her at -44942, 17783, 3642 in at building at the east end of the district.
Quests[]The following quests are available to gain faction with House Vermach:
Currently (02-04-2013), Due Process and Honor Amongst Thieves can't be completed, all the parleys relevant to the quest don't exist yet, and the player will have to petition to get the quest done.
New Horizons Trading Group[]
The New Horizons Trading Group is based in the Foreign Goods Market on the south side of New Targonor. It can be reached from Black Orchid Forums (House Hilthorn), The High Ward (House Godfrey), and the Citizen's Forum (House Thistle). New Horizon Trading Group uses a reason assertion card which can be bought for 5 house coins: Merchant Sanction
Bursar[]Seth Pentago is the New Horizons Trading Group Bursar. He is located at -42396, 47954, 36543 in a building at the south west corner of the district. Quests[]None yet.
Land Deeds[]
Once you get a land deed, right click on it. It will give you a new icon to put in your hotbar (you'll find it in your general abilities tab section).
To collect taxes, go to Three Rivers, Veskals Exchange, or Silverlake and click on Collect Taxes: <Mission Name>. You will then be offered a quest to collect the taxes. Your task will be to place 5 tax notices on signposts in the area.
Once all 5 notices have been placed, the quest is complete and your reward will be mailed to you (after a delay).
You must wait 8 hours before you can collect taxes again. You may however collect taxes for more than one house at the same time.
The details of the locations of the signposts, and which ones you should use to obtain the maximum reward are listed below.
Three Rivers[]
The table below lists the signposts that must be included in your selection of 5 signposts to ensure the maximum reward.
Heartsworn | Oath Hill | 1,2,3,4,5 | 65s |
Tanvager | Delphia | 1,3,4,5,6 | 65s |
New Horizons | Granite Lake | 4,5,6,7,8 | 65s |
Veskal's Exchange[]
![]() |
# Outside Southern Gate, Along Path to East
In Veskal's Exchange, each signpost will pay either 5s or 0s. If you select a combination of signposts all of which pay 0s, then you will be given 1s.
Godfrey | Versonne | 1,2,3,4,5 | 70s |
Hilthorn | Orchelia | 1,4,5,6,8 | 70s |
Remniol | Concordia | 1,3,5,6,7 | 70s |
In the above table, for Versonne and Concordia, one possible selection of signposts known to reward 15s is given. For Orchelia, you must select the 3 signposts specified plus any 2 others to obtain the 15s reward.
Caberton | Bonnie Glen | 1,2,4,5,8 | 75s |
Shrike | Sordhaven | 1,2,3,6,7 | 75s |
Vermach | Berholm | 2,3,4,5,6 | 75s |
Thistle | The Commons | 1,2,5,6,7 | 75s |
The order you collect matters for some deeds. Some still need updated too. One can also collect tax from any 5 signpost in the area, but will get maximum reward only with the signposts listed here.
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