The Outfitter[]
The Outfitter works with cloth & leather materials to fashion light armor (cloth) & medium armor (leather). Not limited to armor alone, the Outfitter applies his artistry in fashioning clothing to improve the diplomatic efforts of any adventurer. Additionally, Outfitters create tool belts and bags for carrying additional gear. Outfitters eventually develop their skills more as a tailor or as a leatherworker.
Tailors craft the finest light armor, diplomacy gear and cloth bags.
Leatherworkers craft sturdy medium armor, tool belts and leather bags.
Specialization Quest[]
At level 11 you are given a quest allowing you to choose a specialization within you parent tradeskill. Outfitters can pick Leather worker or Tailor.
Once you pick a specialization, or sooner if you know which route you plan to take before hand, you should set the option that you do not choose to negative (the – button on the right of the bar on the skills window). This will push your skill in that other type down to 0 and allow you to put those points back into the two skill types you will need (your parent type and your specialization type). Do not leave points in the type you didn’t specialize in, or you will only hurt your ability to craft items of your specialization as well as delay when you learn new skills.
You may change specializations later on if you choose, but you will lose all recipes, including special dropped rare recipes if you do. If you change within your parent class, such as Tailoring to Leatherworking, you will not lose any skill points but you will need to change the direction of your skills to drive them in the right direction. If you change to another trade entirely, like tailoring to carpenter, you start over at level 1 with 0 skills.
Outfitter harvesting[]
Outfitters must harvest materials suitable for their crafting skill, such as textile plants (reaping), and animal pelts (skinning.
Information taken from VanguardMMORPG