Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Vanguard Saga of Heroes
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Class Summary[]

Psionicist official
Basic Information

Free to Play Status:


Recommended Attributes:

Int, Wis, Vit

Recommended Wield Style:


Armor Type:


Secondary Diplomacy Expression:


Recommended Playstyle


Photo Gallery

Weapons and Armor

Wield Types

  • 1H Wielding
  • 2H Wielding

Weapon Types

  • 1H Piercing
  • Hand to Hand
  • 1H Blunt
  • 2H Blunt

Weapon Specialization

  • None

Perception and Concealment


  • Awareness
  • Combat Awareness
  • Detection


  • Counterspelling
  • Spell identification
  • Dodge
Spell Schools
  • Conjuration
  • Alteration
  • Evocation


  • Fishing

Crowd Control - The Psionicist excels at crowd control, and has a number of crowd control abilities. She has a spell that takes her enemy into a different time slice. Once the enemy returns it is snared for a period of time. The Psionicist's use of crowd control spells increases the mob's hate toward her. Each subsequent mez is less effective.

Psionicists also receive clone spells which produce a duplicate of the target, which attacks the enemy but causes no damage. The clone distracts the mob while the Psionicist's group fights other enemies.

Damage - The Psionicist's primary role is damage dealer, and as such they receive many damage-based spells. In addition, the Phrenic Range concentration serves to increase damage output, but also increasing energy consumption.

Mindspy - Psionicists will be able to read enemy minds and determine information on how to pull, how many enemies will attack and possibly more information such as level, armor class and hit points.

Counterspells - Pscioncists like other arcane damage classes will have counterspells that will be able to nullify enemy caster spells. The counterspell could either completely nullify the spell or change the enemy spell into something beneficial to her group. For example her counter spell may turn a damage spell into energy or health for himself or her group.

Buffs - The Psionicist is the best energy regeneration buffing class in Vanguard. They also have a group endurance buff. Other buffs include the ability to buff party members’ combat awareness, damage absorption, attribute increases and more.

Union of the Minds - Union of Thought allows the Psionicist to enter a special global chat, which is only available to the class. This is a very unique chat channel, as there isn't one planned for any other class in the game.

Master of Illusions - Everything about the Psionicist deals with tapping into the mind. This even reaches into the art of illusions; the ability to alter the appearance of the Psionicist so that they look like a race not their own. Additionally, the Psionicist can make themselves and their group invisible to all sight.

Advancement - Part of the Psionicist design used to be that to gain new skills and abilities they would not only have to visit their trainer but to find relics, called Gestalts, scattered across the world of Telon.

Long ago our forerunners realized that unlocking our full potential was not achievable alone. In their pursuit to unlock our full abilities, they found that Telon possessed different energies that, when harnessed properly, could enable the Psionicist to reach levels of focus previously unattainable.

Our forerunners constructed gestalts in these areas that resonated with the strongest energies. Each gestalt is attuned to a specific portion of our minds.. Only though introspective meditation at these locations can we break past the limitations of our own minds.

Each location is different and once you've manifested your power at a specific gestalt, those energies will no longer be of use to you, thus encouraging us to push onwards in our quest.


Level Name Effect
1 IconStance12 Free Mind Your mind is open, not concentrating on any one thing.
10 IconStance21 Ethereal Projection Projects you into the ethereal plane, allowing you to absorb 20% of most types of incoming damage.
15 IconStance25 Phrenic Rage When this concentration is active your psionic power damage is increased by 25%. The cost of all powers increases by 50%.
22 Thought Thief When this Concentration is active, damaging powers will not deal actual damage, but will instead drain the mind of your opponent, returning the stolen energy to you.
34 Cerebral Bastion When this concentration is active you gain high resistance to mind altering effects such as fear, mesmerization, sleep, charm, and stun.
50 Greater Astral Form Partially shifts your physical body into the astral plane, allowing you to absorb 25% of most types of incoming damage. Spiritual effects are more potent in the astral plane and will deal 25% more damage to you.

Known Spells and Abilities[]

Level 1 - 10[]

Lv Name Rank Effect
1 Icon519 Mental Blast I Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 37 to 43 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 3 for 8 seconds.
1 Icon665 Union of Thought I Allows you to fuse your thoughts with other Psionicists in the world. This will allow communication between all players participating in the union. With this link you also regenerate 1 energy per second.
2 Icon439 Thought Pulse I Unleashes massive telekinetic force, inflicting 185 to 197 damage.
2 Icon765 Temporal Shift I Violently shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time, causing 221 to 237 damage over 24 sec. Being out of phase slows down attack speed by 10% and reduces movement by 60% for 24 sec.
2 Icon617 Recall This ability returns you to your bind location.
4 Icon413 Simulacrum I Creates an illusionary copy of your target. This clone fiercely attacks your opponent, generating large amounts of hate, but dealing no real damage. The close vanishes after 60 sec.
4 Icon645 Suggestion I Forces your opponent to obey your commands for 20 to 30 sec.
6 Icon467 Compression Sphere I Forms a psionic sphere around your opponent that slowly collapses, crushing your opponent and dealing 370 to 393 over 20 seconds.
6 Icon519 Mental Blast II Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 129 to 139 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 9 for 8 seconds.
6 Icon697 Expansive Mind I Expands the minds of your defensive target's party, increasing intelligence and wisdom by xx.
8 Icon754 Time Trick I Shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time for 45 sec. While out of phase the target cannot attack or move and cannot be damaged. After 4 sec an out of phase target will begin to rapidly regenerate life.
8 Icon20747 Synchronize Forces your target back into phase with normal time, reversing the effects of Time Trick
10 Icon665 Union of Thought II Allows you to fuse your thoughts with other Psionicists in the world. This will allow communication between all players participating in the union. With this link you also regenerate 1 energy per second.
10 Icon415 Nullifying Field This power summons a dispersion field that nullifies the effects of an incoming spell or psychic ability.
10 Icon467 Compression Sphere II Forms a psionic sphere around your opponent that slowly collapses, crushing your opponent and dealing 804 to 849 over 20 seconds.
10 Icon765 Temporal Shift II Violently shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time, causing 379 to 403 damage over 24 sec. Being out of phase slows down attack speed by 10% and reduces movement by 60% for 24 sec.
10 Icon529 Temporal Fracture I Splits time around your opponent, dealing 568 to 600 damage.
10 Icon750 Turn Off XP Gain This buff reduces the XP gained by 100%

Level 11 - 19[]

Lv Name Rank Effect
12 Icon518 Acceleration I Increases your movement by 40% for 60 sec. Increases mounted speed by 10%.
12 Icon519 Mental Blast III Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 232 to 247 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 15 for 8 seconds.
12 Icon676 Illusion: Dwarf You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a dwarf.
12 Icon20745 Paralysis Field I A blast of psychic force that causes partial paralysis, preventing all opponents within 10m from moving for 8 sec.
14 Icon648 Acumen I Sharpens the mind of your ally, increasing energy regeneration by 5 every sec.
14 Icon413 Simulacrum II Creates an illusionary copy of your target. This clone fiercely attacks your opponent, genreating large amounts of hate, but dealing no real damage. The clone vanishes after 60 secs.
14 Icon448 Dementia I Causes your opponent and all enemies within 10m to suffer intense mental pains, taking 471 to 499 damage over 8 sec.
14 Icon439 Thought Pulse II Unleashes massive telekinetic force, inflicting 296 to 315 damage.
14 Icon20168 Mind Wipe I Causes your opponent to feel 15% less hatred for your defensive target.
14 Icon645 True Sight Opens the eyes of your defensive target, granting the ability to see through invisibility.
14 Icon676 Illusion: Halfling You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a halfling.
16 Icon449 Mirage This ability allows you to seal your target in an occluding field, rendering them invisible to all but the keenest eye. Lasts up to 10 minutes, but has a chance to break early.
16 Icon467 Compression Sphere III Forms a psionic sphere around your opponent that slowly collapses, crushing your opponent and dealing 1220 to 1287 over 20 seconds.
16 Icon564 Mindfire I Ignites the mind of your opponent, inflicting 1649 to 1737 damage over 20 sec. and lowers all resistances by 50 for 2 minutes. They also take 356 to 378 damage each time they cast a spell for up to 5 casts, after which this portion of the ability wears off.
16 Icon676 Illusion: Lesser Giant You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a lesser giant.
18 Icon576 Strength of Will I Increases mental resistance by 115 and arcane resistance by 46 for your defensive target's party.
18 Icon1053 Enthrall I Takes control of an opponent's mind, forcing them to become your thrall for up to 3 min. Every 20 seconds your thrall gets a chance to break free. The higher level the target is the more likely they are to break free. Only Humanoids, Fey Creatures, Monstrosities and Fiends can be charmed.
18 Icon765 Temporal Shift III Violently shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time, causing 619 to 653 damage over 24 sec. Being out of phase slows down attack speed by 10% and reduces movement by 60% for 24 sec.
18 Icon519 Mental Blast IV Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 338 to 359 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 21for 8 seconds.
18 Icon573 Psychic Schism I Drives a wedge of psychic energy into the mind of your opponent, decreasing spell damage output by 5% and causing 653 to 690 damage over 20 sec. After 20 sec, the wedge will explode, dealing 754 to 796 damage.
18 Icon595 Spatial Leap I Group recall spell
18 Icon676 Illusion: Varanthari You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a varanthari.
18 Icon529 Temporal Fracture II Splits time around your opponent, dealing 938 to 989 damage.

Level 20 - 29[]

Lv Name Rank Effect
20 Icon697 Expansive Mind II Expands the minds of your defensive target's party, increasing intelligence and wisdom by 37.
20 Icon665 Union of Thought III Allows you to fuse your thoughts with the other Psionicists in the world. This will allow communication between all players participating in the union. With this link you also regenerate 2 energy per second.
20 Icon439 Thought Pulse III Unleases massive telekietic force, inflicting 416 to 442 damage.
20 Icon711 Illusion: Gnome You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a gnome.
20 Icon518 Mind Over Body Causes you to levitate above the ground.
22 Icon20746 Time Stop I Stops the flow of time, preventing all opponents within 10m from moving or attacking for up to 6 sec. Incoming damage will break the effects of this power.
22 Icon647 Apathy Injects feelings of extreme apathy into your offensive target's mind. The target will not assist nearby allies, become aggressive towards anyone or choose to flee when near death for 20 sec. If resisted there is a chance that the target will notice your attempt and attack you.
22 Icon467 Compression Sphere IV Forms a psionic sphere around your opponent that slowly collapses, crshing your opponent and dealing 1660 to 1747 over 20 seconds.
22 Icon448 Dementia II Causes your opponent and all enemies within 10m to suffer intense mental pains, taking 718 to 758 damage over 8 sec.
22 Icon20168 Mind Wipe II Causes your opponent to feel 20% less hatred for your defensive target.
22 Icon711 Illusion: Thestran You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a thestran.
24 Icon413 Simulacrum III Creates an illusionary copy of your target. This clone fiercely attacks your opponent, generating large amounts of hate, but dealing no real damage. Clone vanishes after 60 sec.
24 Icon754 Time Trick Shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time for 50 sec. While out of phase the target cannot attack or move and cannot be damaged. After 4 sec an out of phase target will begin to rapidly regenerate life.
24 Icon564 Mindfire II Ignites the mind of your opponent, inflicting 2410 to 2537 damage over 20 sec. and lowers all resistances by 70 for 2 minutes. They also take 339 to 361 damage each time they cast a spell for up to 5 casts, after which this portion of the ability wears off.
24 Icon519 Mental Blast V Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 452 to 477 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 27 for 8 seconds.
24 Icon711 Illusion: High Elf You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a high elf.
26 Icon663 Psionic Barrier I Surrounds an ally in a barrier of mental energy. The barrier lasts for 12 sec or until it absorbs 450 damage. Any single target can only be affected by this once every 30 sec.
26 Icon645 Suggestion II Forces your opponent to obey your commands for 20 to 30 sec.
26 Icon765 Temporal Shift IV Violently shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time, causing 892 to 942 damage over 24 sec. Being out of phase slows down attack speed by 10% and reduces movement by 60% for 24 sec.
26 Icon20732 Chronoshift I Causes a violent shift in time, dealing 392 to 415 damage to all opponents within 10m.
26 Icon573 Psychic Schism II Drives a wedge of psychic energy into the mind of your opponent, decreasing spell damage output by 5% and causing 934 to 986 damage over 20 sec. After 20 sec, the wedge will explode, dealing 934 to 986 damage.
26 Icon439 Thought Pulse IV Unleashes massive telekinetic force, inflicting 543 to 575 damage.
26 Icon20168 Memory Shift I Causes your opponent to feel 2044 more hatred for your defensive target.
26 Icon711 Illusion: Qaliathari You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a qaliathari.
26 Icon529 Temporal Fracture III Splits time around your opponent, dealing 1336 to 1409 damage.
26 Icon20745 Paralysis Field II A blast of psychic force that causes partial paralysis, preventing all opponents within 10m from moving for 8 sec.
28 Icon648 Acumen II Sharpens the mind of your defensive target's party, increasing energy regeneration by 10 every second.
28 Icon576 Strength of Will II Increases your target's mental resistance by 165 and arcane resistance by 66 for your defensive target's party.
28 Icon1053 Enthrall II Takes control of an opponent's mind, forcing them to become your thrall for up to 5 min. Every 20 seconds your thrall gets a chance to break free. The higher level the target is compared to your level, the more likely they are to break free. Only Humanoids, Fey Creatures, Monstrosities and Fiends can be charmed.
28 Icon467 Compression Sphere V Forms a psionic sphere around your opponet that slowly collapses, crushing your oppoent and dealing 218 to 2239 ove 20 seconds.
28 Icon711 Illusion: Varanjar You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a varanjar.

Level 30 - 39[]

Lv Name Rank Effect
30 Icon697 Expansive Mind III Expands the minds of your defensive target's party, increasing intelligence and wisdom by 37.
32 Icon443 Mindfire III Ignites the mind of your opponent, inflicting 696 to 736 damage and causes them to take 290 to 309 damage each time they cast a spell. The effect lasts for 5 min or 5 casts.
30 Icon665 Union of Thought IV Allows you to fuse your thoughts with the other Psionicists in the world. This will allow communication between all players participating in the union. With this link you also regenerate 3 energy per second.
30 Icon443 Psychic Mutation Disperses the effects of an incoming spell or psionic power and converts it into usable energy for your group.
24 Icon443 Time Trick II Shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time, which prevents them from moving or attacking for up to 45 sec. Movement is reduced by 60%, attacks and spells are slowed by 15%. Incoming damage will bring the target back into phase but the movement and attack penalties will be applied the entire duration.
30 Icon443 Dementia III Causes your opponent and all enemies within 10m to suffer intense mental pains, taking 990 to 1044 damage over 8 sec.
30 Icon443 Psionic Blast I Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 570 to 603 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 33 for 8 seconds.
30 Icon20168 Mind Wipe III Causes your opponent to feel 25% less hatred for your defensive target.
32 Icon443 Mindfire III Ignites the mind of your opponent, inflicting 3231 to 3400 damage over 20 sec. and lowers all resistances by 90 for 2 minutes. They also take 457 to 483 damage each time they cast a spell for up to 5 casts, after which this portion of the ability wears off.
32 Icon439 Thought Pulse V Unleashes massive telekinetic force, inflicting 678 to 716 damage.
32 Icon443 Thought Surge I A burst of psychic energy that hits up to 10 opponents in front of you for 687 to 725 damage.
32 Icon711 Illusion: Vulmane You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a vulmane.
34 Icon529 Temporal Fracture IV Arcane direct damage finisher
34 Icon443 Temporal Acceleration I Increases the speed of spellcasting and attacks by 12%, movement by 10% and reduces the refresh time on all abilities by 15% for your defensive target's party.
34 Icon443 Psionic Barrier II Surrounds an ally in a barrier of mental energy. The barrier lasts for 12 sec or until it absorbs 1500 damage. Any single target can only be affected by this once every 30 sec.
34 Icon20746 Time Stop II Stops the flow of time, preventing all opponents within 10m from moving or attacking for up to 8 sec. Incoming damage will break the effects of this power.
34 Icon413 Simulacrum IV Creates an illusionary copy of your target. This clone fiercely attacks your opponent, generating large amounts of hate, but dealing no real damage. The clone vanishes after 60 sec.
34 Icon467 Compression Sphere VI Forms a psionic sphere around your opponent that slowly collapses, crushing your opponent and dealing 2621 to 2758 over 20 seconds.
34 Icon765 Temporal Shift IV Violently shifts your opponent out of phase with normal time, causing 1179 to 1243 damage over 24 sec. Being out of phase slows down attack speed by 10% and reduces movement by 60%
34 Icon443 Chronoshift II Causes a violent shift in time, dealing 518 to 548 damage to all opponents within 10m.
34 Icon443 Psychic Schism III Drives a wedge of psychic energy into the mind of your opponent, decreasing spell damage output by 5% and causing 1233 to 1300 damage over 20 sec. After 20 sec, the wedge will explode, dealing 1233 to 1300 damage.
34 Icon20168 Memory Shift II Causes your opponent to feel 3147 more hatred for your defensive target.
34 Icon711 Illusion: Raki Alters the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a raki.
36 Icon697 Expansive Mind IV Expands the minds of your defensive target's party, increasing intelligence and wisdom by 37.
36 Icon443 Psionic Blast II Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 697 to 738 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 39 for 8 seconds.
36 Icon711 Illusion: Kojani You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a kojani.
38 Icon443 Strength of Will III Increases your target's mental resistance by 215 and arcane resistance by 86 for your defensive target's party.
38 Icon443 Dementia II Causes your opponent and all enemies within 10m to suffer intense mental pains, taking 1272 to 1341 damage over 32 sec.
38 Icon439 Thought Pulse VI Physical direct damage spell
38 Icon443 Mass Amnesia ause all opponents to completely forget about you.
38 Icon443 Mind Wipe VI Causes your opponent to feel 30% less hatred for your defensive target.
38 Icon711 Illusion: Goblin You alter the perception of those around you, making yourself appear to be a goblin.
38 Icon711 Illusion: Wood Elf You alter the perception of those around you, making yourself appear to be a wood elf.

Level 40 - 49[]

Lv Name Effect
40 Icon665 Union of Thought V Self energy regen buff, psionicist-only global chat channel
40 Icon645 Suggestion III Temporary charm spell, crowd control
40 Icon467 Compression Sphere VII Physical damage-over-time spell
40 Icon443 Thought Surge II A burst of psychic energy that hits all opponents in front of you for 878 to 927 damage.
40 Icon443 Mindfire IV Ignites the mind of your opponent, inflicting 4127 to 4344 damage over 20 sec. and lowers all resistances by 110 for 2 minutes. They also take 583 to 617 damage each time they cast a spell for up to 5 casts, after which this portion of the ability wears off.
40 Icon443 Paralysis Field III A blast of psychic force that causes partial paralysis, preventing all opponents within 10m from moving for 8 sec.
42 Icon443 Acumen III Sharpens the mind of your ally, increasing energy regeneration by 90 every 6 sec.
42 Icon443 Mindspy: Defense Looks into the mind of your opponent, searching the primal part of its brain for a defensive ability to steal. The ability you steal will vary depending on the classification of your target. Only one defensive ability can be learned at once. The knowledge needed to use the stolen ability will last for 2 hours.
42 Icon443 Psionic Barrier III Surrounds an ally in a barrier of mental energy. The barrier lasts for 12 sec or until it absorbs 2500 damage. Any single target can only be affected by this once every 30 sec.
42 Icon443 Mutation Shield Causes a countershield to surround your defensive target. This shield converts the next incoming spell into energy.
42 Icon529 Temporal Fracture V Arcane direct damage finisher
42 Icon443 Enthrall III Takes control of an opponent's mind, forcing them to become your thrall for up to 7 min. Every 20 seconds your thrall gets a chance to break free. The higher level the target is compared to your level, the more likely they are to break free. Only Humanoids, Fey Creatures, Monstrosities and Fiends can be charmed.
42 Icon765 Temporal Shift VI Arcane damage-over-time, snare and attack speed debuff
42 Icon443 Chronoshift III Causes a violent shift in time, dealing 656 to 695 damage to all opponents within 10m.
42 Icon443 Psionic Blast III Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 831 to 879 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 45 for 8 seconds.
42 Icon443 Psychic Schism IV Drives a wedge of psychic energy into the mind of your opponent, decreasing spell damage output by 5% and causing 1784 to 1880 damage over 20 sec. After 20 sec, the wedge will explode, dealing 1784 to 1880 damage.
42 Icon443 Memory Shift III Causes your opponent to feel 4423 more hatred for your defensive target.
42 Icon443 Primal Wrath Increases the damage done by your charmed pet by 25% for 45 sec.
42 Icon711 Illusion: Mordebi You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a mordebii.
42 Icon711 Illusion: Orc You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be an orc.
44 Icon413 Simulacrum V Uncontrolled pet, crowd control
44 Icon439 Thought Pulse VII Physical direct damage spell
44 Icon711 Illusion: Kurashasa You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a kurashasa.
46 Icon697 Expansive Mind V Expands the minds of your defensive target's party, increasing intelligence and wisdom by 37.
46 Icon443 Time Stop III Stops the flow of time, preventing all opponents within 10m from moving or attacking for up to 10 sec. Incoming damage will break the effects of this power.
46 Icon754 Time Trick III Mez for up to two targets
46 Icon467 Compression Sphere VIII Physical damage-over-time spell
46 Icon443 Dementia V Causes your opponent and all enemies within 10m to suffer intense mental pains, taking 1580 to 1666 damage over 8 sec.
46 Icon443 Thought Surge II Violently expels all thought from your mind, causing a burst of psychic energy to hit all opponents directly in front of you, dealing 803 to 848 damage. The effort of manifesting this power takes a great toll on your body, causing 0 damage to you with each cast.
46 Icon443 Mind Wipe V Causes your opponent to feel 45% less hatred for your defensive target.
46 Icon711 Illusion: Half Elf You alter the perception of those around you, making you appear to be a half elf.
46 Icon443 Spellbind Void Removes a major curse from all allies within 10m.
48 Icon443 Strength of Will IV Increases your target's mental resistance by 265 and arcane resistance by 106 for your defensive target's party.
48 Icon443 Psionic Blast IV Blasts your opponent's mind with raw mental power, dealing 969 to 1022 damage. Decreases your opponent's intelligence by 51 for 8 seconds.
48 Icon443 Mindfire V Ignites the mind of your opponent, inflicting 5072 to 5335 damage over 20 sec. and lowers all resistances by 130 for 2 minutes. They also take 717 to 758 damage each time they cast a spell for up to 5 casts, after which this portion of the ability wears off.
48 Icon711 Illusion: Dark Elf You alter the perception of those around you, making yourself appear to be a dark elf.
48 Icon443 Thought Surge III A burst of psychic energy that hits all opponents in front of you for 1131 to 1193 damage.

Level 50 +[]

Lv Name Effect
50 Icon443 Second Sight Grants your defensive target's group the ability to see glimpses of the near future. Increases accuracy by 10% and evasion by 5%.
50 Icon443 Temporal Acceleration II Increases the speed of spellcasting and attacks by 15%, movement by 15% and reduces the refresh time on all abilities by 20% for your defensive target's party.
50 Icon443 Phantom Thought I Fills an ally's mind with illusionary energy. Your ally's energy will be healed for and increased by 1000 for 15 seconds.
50 Icon665 Union of Thought VI Self energy regen buff, psionicist-only global chat channel
50 Icon443 Vast Psyche Greatly expands the mind of your defensive target's party, adding 300 energy and increasing energy regeneration by 94 every 6 sec.
50 Icon443 Mindspy: Aggression Looks into the mind of your opponent, searching the primal part of its brain for an offensive ability to use. The ability you steal will vary depending on the classification of your target. The knowledge needed to use the stolen ability will last for 1 hour.
50 Icon443 Psionic Barrier IV Surrounds an ally in a barrier of mental energy. The barrier lasts for 12 sec or until it absorbs 3500 damage. Any single target can only be affected by this once every 30 sec.
50 Icon529 Temporal Fracture VI Arcane direct damage finisher
50 Icon765 Temporal Shift VII Arcane damage-over-time, snare and attack speed debuff
50 Icon443 Chronoshift IV Causes a violent shift in time, dealing 801 to 846 damage to all opponents within 10m.
50 Icon443 Psychic Schism V Drives a wedge of psychic energy into the mind of your opponent, decreasing spell damage output by 5% and causing 2178 to 2294 damage over 20 sec. After 20 sec, the wedge will explode, dealing 2178 to 2294 damage.
50 Icon439 Thought Pulse VIII Physical direct damage spell
50 Icon443 Memory Shift IV Causes your opponent to feel 7163 more hatred for your defensive target.
50 Icon443 Diamond Skin Hardens the skin of your defensive target, granting 50% damage absorption for 24 sec or 3 hits. While the effect is active 8% of most outgoing damage will be returned as health. Any single target can only be affected by Psionic Barrier or Diamond Skin once every 30 sec.


These abilities can only be learnt by finding the location of a particular gestalt.

Lv Name Effect
10 IconStance21 Ethereal Projection Projects you into the ethereal plane, allowing you to absorb 20% of most types of incoming damage. (Concentration)
15 IconStance25 Phrenic Rage When this concentration is active your psionic power damage is increased by 25%. The cost of all powers increases by 50%. (Concentration)
22 Telekinetic Blast I ??
30 Resurgence I ??

Learned Abilities[]

  • Gesalt: Corporeal Hammer I
    • Pantheon of the Ancients
    • Level 30
  • Gesalt: Resurgence I
    • Wardship of the Sleeping Moon
    • Level 32
  • Gesalt: Telekinetic Blast II
    • New Targonor
    • Level 32
  • Gesalt: Cerebral Bastion
    • River Valley
    • Level 34
  • Gesalt: Corporeal Hammer II
    • Coterie Infenium Sanctuary
    • Level 36
  • Gesalt: Mass Amnesia
    • Sepulchral Chasm
    • Level 38
  • Gesalt: Resurgence II
    • Ruins of Vol Tuniel
    • Level 40
  • Gesalt: Telekinetic Blast III
    • Swamps of Rumug
    • Level 42
  • Gesalt: Corporeal Hammer III
    • surug Moor
    • Level 42
  • Gesalt: Corporeal Hammer IV
    • Rahz Inkur
    • Level 48
  • Gesalt: Greater Astral Form
    • Mnalus Dungeon
    • Level 50
  • Gesalt: Resurgence III
    • Nusibe Necropolis
    • Level 50
  • Gesalt: Telekinetic Blast IV
    • Old Targonor Keep
    • Level 50
  • Gesalt: Meta Mind (lvl 50?)
    • Mnalus Caves
    • Spore Chamber of the Mnalus Dungeon? (Hegnerian's dungeon)

Official Forums[]

Other Resources[]
