Vanguard Saga of Heroes
Vanguard Saga of Heroes

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You can start playing Vanguard Saga of Heroes on the Isle of Dawn or one of the continental starting places (Shang Island, Cliffs of Ghelgad, or Tursh Village) which is determined by your character's race.

Isle of Dawn[]

All races will start in Tentrees' Farmstead with the quest Go to Kiri Tentrees.



F2P Race Starter Town First Quest
Yes Icon thestran female Icon thestran male Thestran Human Tursh Restless Farmers
Yes Icon dwarf female Icon dwarf male Dwarf Tursh Restless Farmers
Yes Icon halfling female Icon halfling male Halfling Tursh Restless Farmers
Yes Icon highelf female Icon highelf male High Elf Tursh Restless Farmers
Yes Icon vulmane female Icon vulmane male Vulmane Tursh Restless Farmers
Yes Icon varanjar female Icon varanjar male Varanjar Tursh Restless Farmers
Yes Icon lessergiant female Icon lessergiant male Lesser Giant Tursh Restless Farmers


F2P Race Starter Town First Quest
Yes Icon kojani female Icon kojani male Kojani Human Shang Village Soldier Morale
Yes Icon woodelf female Icon woodelf male Wood Elf Shang Village Soldier Morale
Yes Icon halfelf female Icon halfelf male Half Elf Shang Village Soldier Morale
Yes Icon orc female Icon orc male Orc Shang Village Soldier Morale
Yes Icon goblin female Icon goblin male Goblin Shang Village Soldier Morale
Yes Icon raki female Icon raki male Raki Shang Village Soldier Morale


F2P Race Starter Town First Quest
Yes Icon qaliathari female Icon qaliathari male Qualiathari Human Cliifs of Ghelgad Desert Calico
Yes Icon gnome female Icon gnome male Gnome Cliffs of Ghelgad Desert Calico
Yes Icon darkelf female Icon darkelf male Dark Elf Cliffs of Ghelgad Desert Calico
Yes Icon kurashasa female Icon kurashasa male Kurashasa Cliffs of Ghelgad Desert Calico
Yes Icon mordebi female Icon mordebi male Mordebi Human Cliffs of Ghelgad Desert Calico
Yes Icon varanthari female Icon varanthari male Varanthari Cliffs of Ghelgad Desert Calico

Older Starter Town Quests[]

If you want to complete the old starter quests before they are gone, there is a nice guide Old Starter Towns Guide.
