The Telon Exchange is the marketplace where players can sell and buy from other players.
The representatives of the Telon Exchange can be found in the large cities and select towns and villages. Housing Escrow Vendors, located in the housing areas, are also Telon Exchange representatives. An example is below.
Buying Items[]
- Talk to the Telon Exchange Representative to begin.
- Click the Market Search Tab.
- Use the form on the left to select your search criteria. E.g. Harvesting, Harvesting Clothes, Level 1 to Level 10.
- Click the Search button.
- Click the Price Heading to sort the results by price.
- Select the item you wish to purchase.
- Click Buy Item button and select yes to confirm your purchase.
Your item will be mailed to you.
Note: Some items are tricker to search for. For example, if you are a necromancer looking for pet grafts, you would search for jewelery level 0 - 1.
Selling Items[]
- Talk to the Telon Exchange Representative to begin.
- Click the Your Market Items Tab.
- Drag an item from your inventory to the item box on the form on the top left
- Enter your selling price.
- Click Place Item for Sale
- Click the Sell button to confirm the sale and list item on the Telon Exchange.
If your item is sold the money will be mailed to you.
Canceling / Relisting[]
- Talk to the Telon Exchange Representative to begin.
- Click the Your Market Items Tab.
- Select the item you wish to cancel the sale of or to relist at a different price.
- Click the button of the action you wish to do: Cancel Sale, Relist Item.
- Confirm your selection and / or enter a new price.
Live Gamer[]
Live Gamer allows you to sell your items, money, and character to others for real money.
- Click the Live Gamer button to start the process.